Thestrup Tarp posted an update 2 years, 10 months ago
One of the emerging trends in the world of Cryptocurrency is option trading and option pooling. Many have been drawn to the appeal of this approach due to its simplicity, particularly for beginning investors. For startups who know of Cryptocurrency, you know that there are several currencies (the base units of Cryptocurences) that can be combined together to create larger units of currency. The most commonly known of these Cryptocurences are the US Dollar, the Canadian Dollar, the Australian Dollar, the Euro, the Japanese Yen, and the Swiss Franc. However, there are numerous other potential combinations as well, and the list continues to grow.
With this new approach, an investor can diversify his or her portfolio by investing in a diverse collection of currencies. This allows them to ride the wave of one or two trends and then ride out the results of the trends that follow. For example, say that a particular currency is doing well, and then the next big trend happens, and that trend takes it down considerably. The investor then could purchase the previously overpriced assets, such as the Canadian dollar, back on the strength of the trend. This is an excellent strategy because the gains realized on this transaction will almost always be much greater than the transaction fees required.
On the flip side, if the same asset starts doing badly and then the trend reverses, the investor stands to lose quite a bit of money. Again, due to the volatility of Cryptocurrency, this is not necessarily a bad thing. Even in startups when the profitability is at stake, it is often wise to purchase during a bull market rather than during a bear market. However, when times are tough, the best strategy is often to purchase during the bullish market and sell during the bear market. The same applies to the various Cryptocurences as well. There is no reason why the profitability of each can’t be approximated given sufficient time and adequate research.
In terms of the actual cost/value of buying and selling, the most common scenario for these transactions is that there are no inherent risks. As the saying goes, “Expect both sides to win.” Although technically feasible, there is also a possibility that the value of a particular currency might decrease as the market fluctuates. While it is impossible to protect against this occurrence, there are certain methods which can minimize the effect of any fluctuation on the market. startups of these include setting up a trading account which automatically transfers funds to your chosen Cryptocurrency or allowing your recipients to use their debit card to complete transactions, and then allowing them to pay you using their credit card or bank account.
However, even with the use of these methods of mitigating risk, it should be noted that there is always a risk that a particular currency could lose its value overnight. This is known as the Fear Factor and as such most traders are advised to trade in small amounts using a method of buying and selling known as “hersding” or “winging”. When you “wing” a pair of currencies and you discover that one has dropped in price, you are advised to immediately sell that pair in order to minimize your losses. If you were to buy the pair and allow it to gain in value, you would run the risk of potentially losing more money than you initially started out by purchasing it.
There are several methods which traders can utilize in order to decrease the risk associated with such scenarios and one of these is the option called “closing with a winning position”. Essentially, when you execute a winning trade, you will be forced to pay a transaction fee. If you were to execute a losing trade however, you are not required to pay additional fees. The benefit to this method is that you receive a winning trade which is significantly more likely to result in a profit. This means that instead of paying the transaction fee, you also receive a winning position. However, this additional confirmation may not always be enough to prevent a loss so traders are also advised to “wedge out” these losses through the use of additional confirmations which is known as a “second confirmation”.
A good example of this method is referred to as the Jay Dayrit Method. This method is very effective at maximizing your odds of success but as with many of the things in life, there are a number of things you need to take into consideration before you begin using it. Firstly, you will want to ensure that you are trading with the best brokerage and bank accounts as they will be the ones that will enforce the highest levels of account security on your behalf. In addition, you will also want to ensure that you have sufficient discretionary income or capital to cover your trading expenses in order to keep your spread below the established price of one of your options.
Option Pool Post Money is a popular Forex strategy used by many Forex traders worldwide and is especially successful in Asia. As the name indicates, the idea is to take advantage of the multiple pricing actions of the underlying market while diversifying your investment portfolio. For example, investors may choose to place all of their funds into an expensive option whilst restricting themselves to only using it as a defensive position in certain economic conditions. This way, they can hedge against fluctuations in the price of the underlying asset whilst profiting from the underlying asset’s increase in value. However, the concept of trading “on the cheap” is relative and depending upon the country and economy where you are trading, the impact of the policy may vary. For example, the price of gold may not fluctuate as much in America as it does in China due to different political factors.