
  • Kirk Skov posted an update 2 years, 1 month ago

    SEO Footer Code. Does it really matter? Chances are it is a little overrated. For those of you not so acquainted with what an SEO Footer Code is, it’s the part at the bottom of your page that the search engines use to determine which page should feature on their results page. So what does this have to do with your website’s ranking?

    Let’s put to rest a common myth about SEO and search engine optimization. You don’t need to use the keyword/s you are trying to rank for in your title/meta tag/headline. These things are what the search engines look for, so don’t focus on them. If the search engines see that your page is relevant to what the user is looking for, they will rank it accordingly. Forget about trying to manipulate the search engines with these things because they aren’t going to change anyway.

    Another myth is that pages with lots of internal links are much better than those with no links. This is entirely false. Internal (read – natural) links play just as much of a factor as external (external) links do in determining where your page ends up in the search engines. So while internal linking plays a factor, it has nothing to do with ranking.

    seo believe that they can “optimize” their page and make it so it will rank higher using specific methods. This is a little like hoping the lottery would pay off in your favor. There are no guarantees in the world, and no matter what you do, eventually you are going to lose. No search engine is going to “will” change their algorithms or give you any special treatment based on what you think you can pull up on your own. The only thing you can do is make sure you are using keywords that the search engines can find, consistently, and in meaningful ways. While there are no guarantees that anything you do will improve your ranking, there are more SEO strategies that will help you to optimize your website the right way.

    Keywords are the single most important aspect of search engine optimization, and the way that you choose them is also extremely important. Using the wrong keywords, misspellings, or even words that sound the same as an existing competitor’s page will certainly hurt your page rank. A little research into which search engines offer the most accurate searchable keywords will go a long way towards boosting your search engine optimization strategy.

    The use of meta tags is also a common myth surrounding search engine optimization. These tags are what describe your website, and are included at the bottom of every web page so that the search engines can tell what to expect when the user clicks on a link. Unfortunately, many people make the mistake of thinking that the search engines will care about how long their tags are, but they don’t. If a page has a relevant tag and doesn’t change for three months, the search engine won’t even consider it. This can result in a low page ranking and, often, a poor user experience.

    The link underneath your content is called a “footer code.” Many people think that the link is there so that they can have their name listed with the page, but the truth is that this footer code is only there to serve as a guide for the reader. When a user looks at a page and finds no content on the page, a user agent will read the footer code and find a link that points back to the index page of the site. The link will not lead the user directly to any content on the site, but rather to the site’s index. This means that the user is going to have to go searching for something in order to find the needed information. The link underneath the footer is there to redirect the user, so don’t count on the idea that the search engines will read the footer code and assign your site any sort of importance.

    It is highly doubtful that the search engines will give much importance to the SEO code at all. If you have a website, you are probably already familiar with the SEO codes that many people use. These codes are often placed into the HTML of a website, and point toward the home page. seo do this so that they know where to go to find information, rather than having to look inside of the actual website. While it isn’t likely that the search engines will make any changes to the way these codes work, it is important to understand how they work and why they are important.